Wednesday, March 7, 2018

3/7 - It's Time For Some Photos

It's been a week since I updated but I had plenty of photos I've been meaning to share so I figured I'd finally get around to posting. Not that I've been busy! For the most part, I haven't gotten that busy yet and mostly I've spent my days doing one thing for a couple hours and then having nothing for the rest of the day.

I have gotten slightly sick though, which has slowed me down. But that's been recent and it's nothing major. I spent almost all of yesterday (March 6th) in bed playing video games or resting (I also finished my audiobook...I did that while playing video games). I say almost all because there was a two hour period where I went to my first class! YAAAAAYYYY!!!!

It was introductory but it was my Creative Arts class and I can tell that even though the material is all going to be stuff that I'm familiar with in one way or another (the main focuses of the class are introduction to music, dance, drama, and art), I'm going to enjoy it a lot. Our main assessments involve us creating pieces in groups that demonstrate our knowledge about the art itself so basically I'm going to be making some videos throughout the session doing music, dance, and drama pieces which should be a blast!

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Pictures.

Thursday night, I went out to the beach at Shaws Bay with the Lismore Christian group where a bunch of us got to hang out, play ninja, swim in the ocean (MY FIRST TIME), and eat pizza (again, with plenty of vegetarian options :)). It was pretty fun and I snapped a killer selfie that will likely stay as my facebook profile for a while.
 Pictured left to right: Me (but you knew that) Kodai, and Eric. Not pictured, but to be pictured in future selfies...
Like this one taken 2 seconds later: Koske.

We had a pretty fun time and got to know some really solid people who even took us to the Big Prawn in Ballina later that night!

Pictured left to right: Kodai, TT, Koske, and Eric. I failed to get the camera angle right because we were kind of rushed so this trick of holding up this MASSIVE shrimp didn't work really at all. Oh well! We tried.

On Friday, we went to the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. To be clear, calling it a "sanctuary" is a bit of stretch. It's a zoo. Stop kidding yourself Currumbin. I say this because almost all the animals there are born, raised, and bred to be friendly to humans and are by no means wild or "restored". I mean, I'm not huge on zoos because of that reason but the place did make it really easy to get the classic shots of you with Kangaroos and such. Soooooooooo....

Also, I took many-a photo of a bunch of animals we saw there at the zoo. Including, but not limited to,
a Wallaby,

 a red panda (also known as a "Nature Ninja" which is true as long as you don't fact check that and take me at my word),

 a Lemur (who don't give a fuck),

 a baby croc (he was pressed up against the glass cuz he wanted a hug),
 and a Emu Oh my!

After that, Saturday was a big bus tour in which the RAs gave us homemade Where's Waldo (or "Where's Wally" if you're Australian) style shirts and carted us around from location to location. We stopped at Ballina and Byron bay as two of the stops and we also made a stop at a pub just outside of town. Overall, it was pretty good, and I picked up another book at a discount book store to read (yeah, I'm still staying away from Wheel of Time for now). 

Sunday I went out to lunch with a local family which was a lot of good fun. We sat around the table for several hours and talked up a storm about Sports and stuff. I also took a visiting walk to the Rec center where the TableTop gaming group meets up! I didn't end up playing any games because they were just about finishing up by the time I arrived and it was a slow week but I'll be sure to be there next Sunday where we'll play all sorts of games. I also am signed up to meet up with some guys downtown at a hobby shop for some D&D. That probably makes it sound sketchy but it's not. I just joined a LFG facebook page for D&D in Lismore (not hard to find if you are a nerd such as myself) and checked out the store today.

So yeah...that's pretty much it.

I'll try to be kind of frequent with these blog posts, but I can't promise them all to be very interesting once I start settling into a routine and I don't have as many adventures as my whole flight kerfuffle. For some reason, most my posts get around 10-12 views but the "travel day 2" post has an absurd 117 views. I have no idea why. It wasn't that interesting.



  1. Zoe is jealous of you petting that kangaroo and I am assuming you didn't punch it either.

    1. No, the Kangaroos were far too docile to be punched, at least ethically lol
