Saturday, March 10, 2018

3/10 - Not a lot to say, but something

I had my other two classes on Thursday and man am I excited for school.

The outdoor education class is very interesting in that most of everything we'll be doing in that class is pretty much what I learned from conservation corps staff training but in slow motion. You know, food planning for trips, LNT principles, how to work camp equipment/ set up a tent/ start a fire. All pretty good review I guess. The only thing that's 100% new is that in the Outdoor Ed class, we'll be navigating the wilderness using only map and compass and there are no trails per say where we are going...which is pretty darn exciting!

I also asked the teacher about renting equipment and he told me that, besides the weeks that there are trips, he freely rents out the equipment to anybody who wants it for the weekend so I can easily go weekend camping sometime soon! My friend Max and I are going to make some plans to make it out to one of the national parks near Lismore soon. Max is a super cool guy. He's the first international student I've met who is genuinely interested in board games so we became fast friends and he invited me over to a game of One Night Ultimate Werewolf that he had organized with a bunch of (albeit half-drunk) people. It was a ton of fun and I got to know some pretty cool people.

The other class I had though, was my sound production class. Which, if I'm being honest, is going to kick my ass. It's SUPPPPER theory based and technical and I'm totally green on soooo much of it. I thought I knew some of mic and sound stuff but in reality, I know nothing and this class is going to be intense. Our first class, I took a solid 3 pages of notes on the physics of sound and we did some cool exercises playing with how we perceive and understand waves of sound. He also gave us a tour around the studios and showed us the computer lab where we will do any of our post production. Each of the computers, along with several other fantabulous programs, come installed with the full Adobe suite too so, you know, score.

In other news, I've started a 12 week exercise program that has made me thoroughly sore the past few days. It will get better, but I accidentally skipped doing anything today because I didn't know the gym hours well enough and I did my homework before going to the gym (I was procrastinating going due to soreness) and the gym was closed before I realized my mistake. Silly was cardio day.

In other other news, I got to use my first aid kit tonight. But I guess that's not really good news, now is it? My roommate Alex was holding a glass while running up the stairs and tripped. The glass shattered in her hand and gave her a big ol' nasty cut on her finger. I put some gauze pad on it and instructed her to hold pressure on it for at least an hour. It was bleeding pretty bad so we had to switch out the bandage once or twice but it's under control now. All my other roommates asked me why I was so prepared, I had a first aid kit. I mean, I guess it was for moments like this. Honestly, I figured since I am WFA trained (even though it holds little to know actually authority in a situation) I might as well have the resources to help out. If nothing else, I always have some band-aids at the ready when people need them, you know?

That's pretty much all for today. Not much to report. I have my first real meeting with the Table Top gaming group tomorrow! So that's something to certainly look forward to!


  1. I thought the music class would be your easiest class... sounds like it is going to challenge you though.

  2. Better response to when asked why you have a full first aid kit: "Why don't you?"
